Just an update...started my new rotation last week; mostly draw blood, talk about patients meds and try and figure out the best way to treat them (an oversimplification, but you'll get the point). It's actually fun talking to people about their health conditions, and the preceptor at this site is good about teaching us new things, and not making us feel like idiots if we don't know the answer to his questions. We see about 8-10 patients a day, so we stay busy talking to the patients and preparing for the next appointment.
Lexi and Will have been busy with school and sports. William plays on a local Upwards (christian) league, and Lexi plays on the High School team. Her school doesn't have a JV team, and she actually gets to play a lot. She is probably the youngest girl on the team, but she is learning the plays fast and listens to her coach. William has practices once a week and has games on Saturdays. Lexi stays busy with practice every day except Wednesdays, and homework most nights until after 6 or 7pm (I don't think I ever did homework in junior high, especially not hours at a time!).
Becki has been working full time since the New Year, and probably will until we move. She is usually only allowed so many hours per month, but since she won't be working the entire year, she can pull some extra duty. Works out for everyone because she is needed to train new people, and she likes the hours!
Anyway, not much else going on; until next time!