Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, another year has flown by! I can't believe Lexi is 12 and William will turn 10 this month! At least I can say that I graduate from pharmacy school this year (May 8th...don't forget!).

Anyway, as promised I am posting some pics of my new uniforms (at least the ones I like). Not really official until I graduate, plus I'm missing some ribbons (Sam, keep you comments), but you'll get the idea...
I actually feel a litle out of place wearing these...kinda strange to think that I was beat into submission at boot camp to respect and fear the officer rank, and then turn around and be that person in the "LT" uniform. Guess that's why us enlisted guys like the prior enlisted officers, because they've "been there".
Anyway, hope everyone had a good time over the holidays, and hope to hear from you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey- you look just like that guy... Richard Gere in the movie, "Officer and a Gentleman!" Really though, you and your family have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to make it to this moment!
